by Innovius Infotech



The mobile application developed will be used by consumers to (i) lodge any complaint by any consumer in context of water supply system, (ii) to be notified about the progress of resolving the complaint and (iii) to communicate any other observations which have wider impact like water leaking out of distribution line/ pipe burst or water theft etc.Good service delivery requires continuous engagement with the consumers. There are many service shortfalls which go unreported since lodging complaint is difficult, whatever complaints are received remain unattended or not attended on time and the consumers are hardly given any feedback. Further, the chain of accountability remains weak because people in most cases receive the water supply service free of cost. The existing status can be improved by putting in place a digital system for grievance redressal and linking the grievances with the O&M system for timely response of all complaints.Whoever uses the App. has to download the same from Google Play Store (process initiated and will take a few more days)/ or using our link. In case, any consumer do not have a smart phone, they have to come to the GP office/PHED office to upload the complaint on their behalf (there has to be some earmarked person having the App. in the smart phone for that purpose).The application has features to lodge complaints as well as notifying service delivery related messages (e.g., planned shutdown, change in hours of supply). The following will be the menu option which the consumer (after downloading the mobile app) can select to indicate about their grievances:Inadequate flow of waterWater not supplied during the scheduled hour (need to indicate the period when no water was available) notify important messages (any scheduled shutdown/disruption of service to the consumers)Water looks turbid/ reddishWater is smellingThe consumer has to first register his/her mobile number and service connection number (which will be unique) and create username and ID after downloading the App. They have to log into the system with their own username and ID for lodging any complaint. They will also be able to access another menu to report any failure in any public place/ pipeline flowing through open field to report any damage/leakage/pipe burst etc. To help identifying the area by the maintenance staff, they will be required to take a photo with lat-long by using the mobile App.